3 Inspirational Movies That Have Impacted Me Greatly [VIDEO]
![3 Inspirational Movies That Have Impacted Me Greatly [VIDEO]](/content/images/size/w960/wordpress/2019/02/3-Inspirational-Movies-Elif-Hiz-Blog-2.jpg)

Inspirational movies based on true stories are my absolute favourite. If I find a new movie that I haven’t watched from this genre, I’m a very very happy person! I will make myself some popcorn and tea and devour the movie. They lift my mood, inspire me, motivate me and get me out of my lethargic or confused state of mind.
I love to learn about the stories and paths of actual people, see how they face challenges and overcome them. I take each story as a lesson for myself and find so much inspiration. If I had to make a specific selection, I’d have to say I love stories with a female character. But I am interested and passionate about all real-life stories.
If you’re in need for some motivation, a different perspective or seeking for inspiration in general, make a pick from the movies I have listed for you below.
3 Inspirational Movies that will Lift Your Mood Instantly

Out of the 3, this is the one I watched most recently, and twice! I was greatly moved by the story and how it was portrayed in the movie.
Imagine that you are lost in one of the poorest and most crowded cities in the world. You don’t know the language, you only know your mother by ‘mom’ and that you are only 5 years old when this happens. This is exactly what happens to Sarro Brierly in 1986 Calcutta. He is parted from his home and family for 25 whole years after this incident.
When he is 30, a friend of Saroo suggests him to use Google Earth to find his old house. After months of calculations and research, Saroo is able to find his home. It is an incredibly emotional and sad story, but also really touches your heart and gives hope. The fact that he finds his home through the technological opportunities is incredible and that this is a real story is even more. Bonus info: Saroo found his mother very recently, in 2011.

Starring Jennifer Lawrence, one of my favourite female actresses, the film takes place in 1995 and is inspired by Joy Mangano’s real story. Joy is an inventor and a creator throughout her childhood. She is a creative soul that loses her inspiration and ability to invent as a grown up (aren’t we all like this in a way?).
She goes through betrayal, treachery, loses her innocence and is under a crushing responsibility for taking care of her whole family. With a huge debt, tiring life and a job that she hates, life simply forces her to think outside the box. One day, the terrible design and UX of the mop she uses to clean the house floors inspires her to design her own mop, the MAGIC MOP.
‘JOY is the wild story of a family across four generations centered on the girl who becomes the woman who founds a business dynasty and becomes a matriarch in her own right.’ Watch this movie when you think you have problems in your life and are seeking for inspiration. It sure will give you a kick!

Eddie the Eagle casts Hugh Jackman as Eddie’s charismatic coach and Taron Egerton as Eddie himself. This is a feel-good story about Michael “Eddie” Edwards (Taron Egerton), an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself – even as an entire nation was counting him out. *
The rebellious and charismatic coach (played by Hugh Jackman), trains Eddie for the Winter Olympics that he is so determined about. Eddie’s perseverance and his preparation journey is something to take example of.
In the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing. His perseverance and ability to lock everyone else’s thoughts out is incredible and awe-inspiring. It’s impossible to not get inspired by this story.
Have you watched any of the 3 so far? Which other true-life stories are your favorites? Let me know if you have recommendations for me!
In case you prefer watching videos, here’s this post in a video on my Youtube channel ??